High Performance Business Executive – Part 2 – Nutrition for the Travelling Executive

Table of Contents

In Part 1 we looked at exercise and how this can be applied to the travelling business executive who is looking to perform at their absolute best when in the air. Exercise is only one of the factors involved in this High performance process.

Nutrition is incredibly powerful in its ability to change the way you feel and perform on a daily basis. The majority of your brains neurotransmitters are made in the gut and sent to the brain. Therefore the food that you eat can directly impact neurotransmitter release. Using this to your advantage will increase neural clarity and focus which is exactly the desired effect when you’re required to make the right decisions in business and your health each and every hour.

In Part 1, we touched on the concept of Investment days and Expenditure Days. This is very true for Nutrition and in fact plays a much more significant role. For example, during a single day you will have multiple meals (3-6) feeding opportunities were the consumption or temptation of food and drink will move you closer to your health goals or further away. Therefore is Nutrition more important than exercise for fat loss and health?

I have outlined my step by step action plan in order to maximise health & performance from a nutritional standpoint for the travelling business executive.

Be Prepared

Before you leave for your trip you have to be in control of your food. Have an idea of which foods are good for you and which foods to avoid. Set yourself up with a few guidelines to follow such as:

Consume often: Water, Salmon, Eggs, Chicken, Unlimited Vegetables

Avoid: Fried foods, pastries, bread, fruit juices and deserts.

Hotel Breakfast’s are usually very good at 4-5* Hotels so you should have no problems here. However packing the following will allow you to skip the hotel breakfast or have a meal on the go. 2 x Tins of Sardines and a bag of Raws nuts (such as Brazil Nuts). This provides you with an instant high protein and smart fats meal. This can be ideal for breakfast if you need to catch more sleep to combat jet lag.

Being prepared can also extend to travelling with your meals for the days ahead. If for example you are travelling to the USA from the Middle East you are looking at a 14 hour flight to New York. Personally I travel with my own meals that are individually tailored for my requirements.

Business Lounge

Many business class lounges have the option to order food a la carte, a perfect opportunity to eat food that is fresh. Food once onboard the plane is prone to higher levels of pathogens which can cause gastrointestinal distress. Eating a meal in the lounge also allows you to eat whilst your body is in its regular atmospheric environment.

Fluid retention which is a real issue at 36,000 feet will not be an issue in the lounge. Business class lounges also tend to provide many options such as grilled meats, salads and vegetables. You do not have to eat bread, croissants and other heavy food.

On Board

Once on board the plane you can also travel with your own snacks to make sure you know exactly what you are eating, I highly recommend dried meat and raw nuts. They are very compact for travelling and extremely nutrient dense.


Hydration is key whilst travelling, you should look to drink water as much as possible. I like to board with plenty of water and I use effervescent Vitamin C & B mixed with electrolytes to help support the body while in a pressurised cabin.

Alcohol is known as a diuretic which actually dehydrates your body, so as much fun as it is to be coiffing Champagne as you recline in your chair, you are going to pay the price when you get off the plane feeling terrible. This is a business trip, the goal is to maximise performance in business and to do that your personal choices must be disciplined.


This might seem a little left field for the business executive but I really want you to adopt the mindset that you are a professional athlete.

Professional athletes use compression clothing to help muscles recover quickly. You’re constantly striving for excellence and the boardroom is your sporting venue. Compression clothing is also excellent at increasing blood flow and maintaining a good state of circulation. DVT – Deep Vein Thrombosis is a very serious threat especially as many executives are between 40-60 years of age and typically not in the best of health.

They are very prone to fluid retention issues and therefore DVT. By simply slipping into a compression garment such as full tights or even just ankle and calf socks, it can greatly reduce the risk of swelling due to fluid retention.

You can’t dominate a business meeting if you are struggling to walk properly with an inflamed ankle. Prevention is always much better than the cure.


If all of the above points on nutrition are overwhelming and quite frankly you are not realistically going to follow them, then I have another option for you. Many clients of mine use this strategy with a lot of success, the key is following it through for the entire duration. Apply a food fast as soon as you leave the office/house and head to the airport. Fasting can be extremely beneficial in many cases, you will have more time to yourself not having to worry about food and less likely to get digestive distress such as bloating and fluid retention. Finally, fasting helps to bring your total calorie consumption down for that day.

This can be beneficial as many business trips have social engagements that are based around higher levels of high-calorie food consumption. Remember that this is only a food fast, water should be consumed continually throughout the flight.

When you land

No matter how hungry you are or desire to sample the baked breakfast options of an airport arrival terminal, give them a very wide berth. I am yet to visit an arrivals terminal that provides a great, truly healthy breakfast. If you are fasting, this rule is paramount to not undo the success of the fast.

After landing, I recommend staying awake as long as possible in order to give your brain the opportunity to reset it’s natural circadian rhythm in part triggered by the sun setting. Your nutrition for the day will be high protein, zero carbohydrates (rice, pasta, bread, potatoes, sugars and fruit juices) eat plenty of green salads, vegetables and avocado etc. Then in the evening as your last meal, have a meal high in carbohydrates. This strategy fits in well when you have a social engagement. with clients or business associates. The meal can include Rice, Potatoes Quinoa and fruit for dessert, if you have one.

You want to avoid fried foods and breads, so no chips or pizza, always look for healthy nourishing food options.

Increasing carbohydrates at your evening meal will raise the amount of serotonin in your brain which you will clearly notice after staying clear of carbohydrates all day. Serotonin is a brain
neurotransmitter which has a calming and relaxing effect on the brain. This will provide an environment for your brain to switch off and make it easy to fall asleep.


I mentioned at the start of the article that sardines and raw nuts could be consumed for breakfast in your hotel room, along with a black coffee to really super charge your brain and body. This is an option if you feel like you need more sleep.

Hotel breakfasts are a bit of a tricky scenario, as they offer both the extremely healthy and extremely unhealthy food options. My advice is to navigate it carefully, choosing options that have high protein and smart fats.

Options here are Whole Eggs, Smoked Salmon, Avocados, Berries, black coffee and water.

This should ensure when you leave the breakfast table you are ready to tackle your day in a high performance manner. Those reaching for the orange juice, croissant and jam options will be
feeling sluggish from the impending sugar crash.

Closing Thoughts

Combining Part 1 & this article can give you the head start to outperforming your peers whilst significantly improving your health. You have to take your health into your own hands and control the path it takes. Without guidelines, we have all experienced how badly a business trip can turn out from a lifestyle perspective. The points I have highlighted are very easy to follow and will supercharge your business trip both inside and outside of the boardroom.

James Heagney
D5 Head Coach
Sport’s Nutritionist

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